I just want to tell you how awesome it is to know there is a website we can go to and know without a shadow of a doubt it is lead by the Holy Spirit. The Lord had dropped into my heart to anoint my friend's feet. I didn't know how to go about doing this or even where to get anointing oil for this. I did what I knew best - I prayed and asked the Lord if this is His will for me to do, to please show me where I can get the anointing oil. Faithful as He is, He lead me to your site. I was blessed beyond measure. As I was placing the order, I felt the Presence of the Lord all over me. Since then, my friends visit and order from your site. It is awesome that as a Gentile, I am able to receive blessings such as these from God's Chosen People. Bless you and may your ministry continue to flourish and bring God all the Glory, Honor and Praise He deserves.
I love the scripture references on your website- I have actually gained new insights. Thank you!
Thank you so much for all you did on the shipping and we LOVE our oils and the especially the Amphora. We are making this a very special gift to a very special Church. Be blessed in knowing that your company has been a blessing to us. God's blessings on you all personally and on your company.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Holocaust Remembrance

Women and children survivors in Mauthausen speak to an American liberator through a barbed wire fence. Mauthausen, Austria. May 05, 1945-May 07, 1945. USHMM, National Archives and Records Administration
Tuesday, April 21, was national Holocaust Remembrance Day.
The internationally recognized date comes from the Hebrew calendar and corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan. It marks the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. In Hebrew, Holocaust Remembrance Day is called Yom HaShoah.
From the beginning, God's chosen people have always been a target. Countless atrocities and prejudices have been launched against the Jews, and they still continue today. As we all know, history repeats itself.
The Holocaust demonstrates one of the greatest lessons about individual responsibility—that each of us has the choice to act or not to act, and that there are consequences to our decisions. What we do—or choose not to do—matters. God has given us all free will, and to that effect it can be used for great evil or for great good. There will always be a host of people who follow after strife, pursuing evil as if it were a calling. As believers it is our responsibility to live out the words of Micah 6:8.
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Choose to be a blessing to God's chosen ones. Stand up for righteousness, especially when no other voice is doing so.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Healing the World
The Jewish term tikun olam means "healing the world". While there is more than one interpretation of this teaching, the one that stands out to us is environmental mindedness. It is a practice that began in the garden of Eden, in fact. Genesis 2:15 says, "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it." When we were in Israel inspecting the olive groves from which we get our oil, it became tangibly clear that we--Rodger and Greer as well as "we" Christians--need to become more active about this. Tending an olive grove takes committed work and genuine care!
It is our duty, and our privilege, to take care of this earth. To till and to tend. The current trend in our country is to "go green", which means to be environmentally minded in all that we do. Renew, reuse, recycle. Even people who don't believe in God or "a god" are active in taking care of the earth---more so than most Christians. It is unfortunate that this global awakening and progress came from the hearts of non-believers, as the earth is clearly a gift from our Creator. Instead of contributing to the destruction of our waters and land we need to use the wisdom and resources God gave us to preserve the earth.
We all need to join in and fulfill our primary purpose!
We all need to be good stewards of our land!
Many, many opportunities exist to till and to tend. Till by gardening, composting, and planting trees. Tend with solar panels, biodegradables, and cloth bags. There are countless websites and organizations dedicated to this very purpose. Once you practice tikun olam you will experience the joy that God gives when taking care of His beautiful creation. Pray and be active in your pursuit of healing the world---in your country and in Israel. When you do, you will be blessing and giving glory to Him.
How will YOU act upon Genesis 2:15?
Some sites to consider:
The Jewish term tikun olam means "healing the world". While there is more than one interpretation of this teaching, the one that stands out to us is environmental mindedness. It is a practice that began in the garden of Eden, in fact. Genesis 2:15 says, "Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it." When we were in Israel inspecting the olive groves from which we get our oil, it became tangibly clear that we--Rodger and Greer as well as "we" Christians--need to become more active about this. Tending an olive grove takes committed work and genuine care!
It is our duty, and our privilege, to take care of this earth. To till and to tend. The current trend in our country is to "go green", which means to be environmentally minded in all that we do. Renew, reuse, recycle. Even people who don't believe in God or "a god" are active in taking care of the earth---more so than most Christians. It is unfortunate that this global awakening and progress came from the hearts of non-believers, as the earth is clearly a gift from our Creator. Instead of contributing to the destruction of our waters and land we need to use the wisdom and resources God gave us to preserve the earth.
We all need to join in and fulfill our primary purpose!
We all need to be good stewards of our land!
Many, many opportunities exist to till and to tend. Till by gardening, composting, and planting trees. Tend with solar panels, biodegradables, and cloth bags. There are countless websites and organizations dedicated to this very purpose. Once you practice tikun olam you will experience the joy that God gives when taking care of His beautiful creation. Pray and be active in your pursuit of healing the world---in your country and in Israel. When you do, you will be blessing and giving glory to Him.
How will YOU act upon Genesis 2:15?
Some sites to consider:
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