On Passover the Jewish people were freed from their enslavement to Pharaoh... and 50 days later on Shavuot they were given the Torah. On Passover Christians celebrated the forgiveness of our sins and the promise of eternal life through Christ's death, burial and resurrection... and now 50 days later on Pentecost, we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

This coming Pentecost Sunday is the annual Global Day of Prayer. On this coming Sunday millions of people around the world will gather in stadiums, churches and homes for repentance and prayer. The Global Day of Prayer started 10 years ago on Pentecost Sunday in South Africa and now includes 220 nations. This annual “Feast of First Fruits” prayer offering to the Lord is a foretaste of the feast to come. Through a global and unified prayer movement God is preparing the bride of Christ for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh.
The Shavuot celebration is the celebration of the wheat harvest and the ripening of the first fruits. This is a time for making a wheat offering to the Lord in the celebration of the Feast of First Fruits. There are Biblical times and cycles for special giving unto the Lord... and we will grow in the Lord through our sacrificial giving. If there are ministries that have been on your heart and you have been thinking about giving them a special offering... now would be the time to do that. The Lord speaks powerfully to us through our prayerful giving.
Meals during this holiday are traditionally based on fruit, vegetables and dairy products.
The book of Ruth (deeply moving story of love and covenant) is read during the Feast of First Fruits. God's Holy Spirit is the only capable Kinsman Redeemer in all the world. Now is the time to re-read and reflect on this amazing book... and to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2).
May the Lord speak to your heart as you pray and seek Him during the Feast of First Fruits.
*info from Lee Behnken Ministries