Thursday, July 1, 2010

July Testimonies

I received the hyssop oil as a gift a few months ago and had only used it once to anoint myself when I was sick. I stored it in my drawer and almost forgot about it. My husband and I opened up our home for prayer last night and the Lord told me to grab it out of my drawer. I opened the bottle in the room where we were meeting to pray and somehow spilled it all over my hands, and a good portion of it spilled on to the floor. As soon as this happened, a tangible prescence of God filled the room and we were all deeply touched by the power and prescence of God! It was truly awesome to have this experience! I will be purchasing more ASAP.

The Lord truly blessed us as we were part of an annual Mother*Daughter Gala earlier this year. We had been in prayer about what gift would be perfect for each of the guests who attended. When we received our answer, it was to give anointing oil. So, we got the anointing oil fragrances Henna and Pomegranate. It was so special. One mother who had not used anointing oil in a long time received one of the gifts and was so blessed. She just kept saying how beautiful the fragrance was and how she was going to use it for everything.

A young little girl heard how her little brother was not feeling well, so she got one of the oils and put it on his forehead to pray for him. It is so beautiful how the oil was sweet and used for so many different reasons. Thank you Abba for your ministry. It truly touches many. Love you much!!

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